Giraffe Travels 
2nd Edition

Travel with our giraffe and meet 
fascinating characters 
along her journey.

This Old

A powerful and unforgettable 
tale of survival 
against the odds.

Giraffe Travels 

Explore the animal kingdom 
with this delightful 
children’s tale!

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Hi, I am mongoose and I would like to know why I am the last on the list always? Well thankfully I have my gang and I do not live alone. That can be very helpful sometimes as my mongoose pack helps each other out with our pubs. And not to brag Lion but I can defend myself pretty well against any venomous snakes. 

about the book

Meet the Characters

Hi there, I am Giraffe and we live mainly in the sub Saharan region in Africa. You can tell which region we are from based on our different patterns on our skin. We are fast and run up to 35 miles per hour. And not to brag but we are the tallest mammals on Earth.

Hi I am mole and guess what? I can see, really, not as well as you do but nonetheless I can see. Give me insects to eat and I will be the happiest mole around. I could probably build a better tunnel system than you humans, and when it comes to sniffing out preys I am one of the best ones around. 

Hey there, 
I am Hedgehog even though I am small I can roll up into a spiky ball and voila I am ready to defend myself against any predator.
And by the way I prefer to sleep during the daytime and burrow around during the night-time. 

Did I hear someone say they are good at smelling? 
I am Bison and in my opinion I am the best here at smelling from distances away.
And not to brag Giraffe BUT I am the largest mammal in North America. 

Hi, I am the king of the jungle , the highest on the food chain. If you are ever in need of extra protection just hang around with me.
My roar can be heard up to eight kilometres away, yes really that is from very far away. And like Hedgehog I am more active during the night. And I do like to eat. I can eat enough food that could feed your entire family 

about the author

Michelle Bartley

Ever since she can remember, she has been fascinated with understanding the human conditions, which she credits to what has led her along this incredible path – to write. Whenever she sits to write a story, she is transported to a place so peaceful, the mere thought of leaving becomes difficult for her. Jamaican born, she has been living in Berlin Germany since 2008 with her husband and two children. Michelle is a traveler, an explorer, and a dreamer who is never afraid to discover unchartered territory.
In 2016 Michelle published her debut children’s book Giraffe Travels a three-part picture book series. She is working on the second half of the Giraffe Travels series, out later on in 2021.

“You can come along with us. You’ll be free to roam where you please, eat all the fruits and seeds you would like, and sleep under the stars at night.”

---  Giraffe Travels Again

Come along and join her on her exciting writing adventures!!!!

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